We do things a little differently than most veterinarians. Our doctor is a board certified canine and feline specialist, and we are committed to the highest quality neutering and spay services for your pet.
Even though this seems like a routine surgery, it still requires general anesthesia and the possibility always exists for complications. Our goal is to minimize neuter and spay complications as much as possible — a 99% success rate is not good enough if your pet is the other 1%.
Our Process to Spay or Neuter Your Dog
First, we require an examination prior to the surgery to see if there is anything obviously wrong with your pet that could cause problems. Then, we do a pre-anesthetic blood panel to make sure that there is no evidence of kidney, liver, pancreas or infectious problems which could cause problems for your pet. Next, we place an intravenous catheter and give your pet warmed IV fluids during surgery to support his/her circulation and administer continuous pain medications (which are mixed into the fluids). This helps prevent problems like kidney failure and heart complications and makes for a much smoother anesthesia. It also provides us an intravenous access in case anything should go wrong during surgery.
Then we neuter your pet, using a surgical laser which reduces pain, swelling and bleeding to the point that most surgeries are almost bloodless. We use the safest gas anesthesia and oxygen combination, keeping him/her on a heating blanket so recovery goes as smoothly as possible, and monitoring his/her heart rate and rhythm, blood oxygen level, respirations/CO2 and body temperature using a wireless Bluetooth computerized surgery monitor. When we are done with surgery we let your pet recover in a heated ICU unit or padded cage (depending on size) and watch him/her closely until they are completely awake. When we send him/her home he/she gets more pain medications for the next few days to help his/her recovery be as comfortable as possible.
As far as costs go, please call our clinic and one of our staff members will go over each cost with you.
More Information on Spay and Neuter Procedures