Our loft is a member of the Butte Creek Invitational Pigeon Club in Butte County, Northern California, and is located on our property at Whispering Pines Pet Clinic. We started up in May of 2006 with young birds and flew our first YB race season in fall 2006.

“Sparkle,” A.K.A. AU 2006 SKY588, was treated for a fractured radius. He flew home from a 25 mile toss with a broken bone in his wing, and it took him a day and a half. He was out on Injured Reserve for the 2006 young bird season and is now a breeder. His son Junior came in 5th place at the Gold Country Challenge in 2007 and won us some “points!”

Some other birds on our team who would stand still for their photos:
Zit, AU 2006 CLAY 6382. Not our fastest flyer but easy to pick out of a crowd. She is also the most consistent in terms of coming home.

A bunch of babies in the bathtub —next year’s old birds.

Michael, a fancy Archangel pigeon. This guy doesn’t race!

Gonzo, a 2007 baby we hand-raised, now a pet.

Learn more at American Racing Pigeon Union.